Series "Haida Gwaii Infrared" is a color infrared photographic survey of the archipelago of Haida Gwaii on the pacific ocean; with subject ranging from unique sub-species of plants and animals, ancient cultural artefacts, historic Haida village sites, modern structures, portraiture, cultural events, landscapes and some experimental photography. All images have been photographed on film in the infrared spectrum of light, something that is present in everyday life but invisible to the human eye.
Kodak Color infrared film I used is a modified-color ("false color") film originally designed for aerial camouflage detection. It is useful in medical, biological, and pictorial purposes. it detects visible and infrared light (700-700 nanometers). The brighter the reds are in each image is based on how healthy the foliage is. Normal color films are sensitized with each color dye on a separate layer. Kodak chose the red dye to represent infrared light, a "color" or light wavelength that human eyes cannot perceive. By that same notion, I am using the red dye to represent the mystical otherness that the Haida were portrayed in early colonial photography.